About the actual number of primes (2)


About the actual number of primes (2)

The prime function \pi_{s}(n_{max})


The prime function \pi_{s}(n_{max}) is defined as the number of all primes p that are not greater than 2n_{max}+3.

The prime function \pi_{s}(n_{max}) returns for nmax ∈ ℕ the exact number of all primes up to a chosen value nmax. Thus, it is not an approximate value, but the actual number.



\sum\limits_{n=0}^{n_{max}}ts(n) = sum of all results of ts(n) from n=0 up to and including the selected nmax


With the help of the deterministic test function ts(n) is calculated ts(n) for each n from n=0 to a chosen nmax ts(n) and then added together. Since ts(n) returns only the values 0 for non-prime and 1 for prime, only the number of primes from n=0 to a chosen nmax are summed.

And since there is exactly one even prime next to the odd primes, namely 2, the function \pi_{s}(n_{max}) adds 1 to it.

What had to be proven.


Munich, 18 January 2023

Gottfried Färberböck