The sine primality test
The sine primality test
This primality test is not a probability test but an indirect test to determine clearly if a choosed uneven number greater than 1 is prime or not.
The test is based on definition 6 of prime number series 1:
Because of the existence of an infinite quantity of primes and only one even prime namely 2 follows that an infinite quantity of uneven primes must exist. Because of this the definition of all primes greater then 2 is:
A prime greater than 2 is an uneven number U, that is not divisible integrally by any uneven number u in the domain .
This test is valid for all uneven numbers .
ᴧ n ∈ ℕ
all uneven numbers > 1 are given, which can be selected for this test.
Solved for n gives
The determined n is put into the following test function ts(n):
∧ n, k ∈ ℕ
product in which the run variable k runs from 0 to
|x| absolute value of any value x
⌊x⌋ lower Gaussian bracket, x rounded to the nearest integer
⌈x⌉ upper Gaussian bracket, x rounded up to the nearest integer
ts(n) is either 0 or 1 for a choosed n from the set of the natural numbers.
If ts(n)=0, then 2n+3 is not prime for the choosed n.
If ts(n)=1, then 2n+3 is prime for the choosed n.
In prime number series 6 it has been proofed, that the formula
nkm = 2k²+6k+3+m(2k+3) ʌ k, m ∈ ℕ
provides those n, which give all composite uneven numbers greater than 2 in the formula 2n+3.
Let’s suppose a choosed n equals nkm meaning
n = nkm
then n in
can be replaced by
This gives
and further
And this term is always 0, because k, 1 and m are natural numbers, which summed up give a natural number and the sine of π multiplied by whole numbers equals always 0.
But if
because all uneven composite numbers > 1 are given by nkm in 2n+3 and all other n in 2n+3 must give prime numbers.
But how great is kmax?
According to definition 6, prime number series 1 is the following valid:
A prime greater than 2 is an uneven number U, that is not divisible integrally by any uneven number u in the domain .
For the Sine Test, must be U > 1, because all primes are greater than 1. Otherwise the test would go down to a probabilistic test.
U=2n+3 ᴧ n ∈ ℕ
u=2k+3 ᴧ k ∈ ℕ
u ≤ √ U
2k+3 ≤ √ (2n+3)
The solutions for k and the selected n spread from k=0 up to k=kmax for n, k ∈ ℕ.
kmax shall be determined as a natural number. But solving for k we come into the domain of real numbers. Therefore we write for better differentiation:
2kmaxr+3 = √ (2n+3)
Solved for kmaxr gives:
The real solution can be lead back into the domain of natural numbers by rounding up or down.
According to definition 6, prime number series 1 it has to be rounded down.
The term
can take on only the values 0 or 1, if
n=nkm → sin((k+1+m)π) =0
n≠nkm→ ⌈|sin((n-k)/(2k+3)π)|⌉=1
Is this term 0 the choosed n gives no prime in the formula 2n+3 but a composite uneven number.
Is this term 1 the choosed n can give a prime in the formula 2n+3 but not forcible.
But forming the product for all k’s from 0 up to kmax and is’nt this product 0 but 1, then it is ensured cearly with this deterministic primality test, that 2n+3 is prime. But is in this product at least one factor 0, then the entire product is 0 and it is ensured cearly with this deterministic primality test, that 2n+3 is not prime.
What had to be proved.
n=1 → ts(1)=1 → 2*1+3=5 → prime
n=10 → ts(10)=1 → 2*10+3=23 → prime
n=97 → ts(97)=1 → 2*97+3=197 → prime
n=1002 → ts(1001)=0 → 2*1001+3=2005 → not prime
n=30997 → ts(30997)=0 → 2*30997+3=61997=13*19*251 → not prime
n=30103 → ts(30103)=1 → 2*30103+3=60209 → prime
Munich, 11 November 2022
Gottfried Färberböck